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Time and Attendance Essentials II (2024-08)

Below, you’ll find the answers to the questions asked during the Essentials for Understanding the Flow of Time and Attendance Features II. This webinar covered:

  • How to adjust pay codes on time cards

  • How to Cancel, Reject, and Withdraw time

  • How to troubleshoot overtime and holiday rules when not applying as expected

Here’s the video if you’d like to watch the webinar again.

Don’t miss out on the insights shared in the presentation. Check out the slides from the webinar, which are attached at the bottom of this article.

Q: When a time card in Time Card by Employee is adjusted, does that change also show in ASSP?

A: You are correct! Changes made to time cards in the Avanti Desktop are reflected on the Avanti Self-Service Portal; everyone sees the same information throughout.

Q: Why isn’t ASSP shown in the demo instead of the Avanti Desktop? Our managers are using ASSP for Time and Attendance

A: Since Time and Attendance on the Avanti Desktop are in sync with ASSP, we chose to demo it in Avanti Desktop because it’s the same for everyone. ASSP is highly configurable and our setup may not match yours. The process is the same on the Avanti Desktop as ASSP.

Q: Is there an easy way to change a pay code for one employee in a batch rather than delete the whole batch?

A: The pay code gets locked in when the time card is approved. This time then flows into Maintain Time Data, and you’ll see the earning code selected for the pay code. From there, you create a batch, and time flows into Payroll Data Entry.

Since this pay code is locked in when you approve the time card, we need to reverse the steps to change it there, starting with deleting the entire batch.

If you only need to adjust the time for one employee, you can:

  • Delete the batch in Payroll Data Entry.

  • Select the employee in Maintain Time Data and withdraw only the days needing adjustments.

  • Then, in Time Cards, unapprove the time, make the change, then approve it.

  • Next, in Maintain Time Data, select Refresh and Approve.

  • Finally, update the filters in Maintain Time Data to match what you initially used to create the batch and create it.

Q: How is the time being cancelled? Wouldn’t time from June be processed already?

A: Excellent point. If that time was processed, we couldn’t have cancelled it. The data in our presentation is just for demo purposes.

Q: Will a certificate be issued for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours?

A: Great question. We are unable to issue certificates for our webinar sessions. However, attendees can utilize the webinar meeting invite as proof of participation for their records to accumulate CPE hours, as outlined in the list of approved activities provided by the National Payroll Institute’s Approved Activities for eligible hours.

For more details or specific inquiries, please feel free to contact the National Payroll Institute

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